
Showing posts from September, 2015

How to reduce LDF file in sql for sharepoint

Here is the script for job that you need to run for decrease the LDF file /***** Script start*** USE [DB_NAME]; ALTER DATABASE [DB_NAME] SET RECOVERY SIMPLE; CHECKPOINT; DBCC SHRINKFILE ([LOG_FileName], 1); ALTER DATABASE [DB_NAME] SET RECOVERY FULL; /***** Script End*** The above script reduce the log file up to 1,024 KB Note: before doing any activity kindly make the back of each database. Regards 3art Technology Experts

SharePoint calculated column and hyperlink or Link (no workflows or scripts needed)

This is a process how you make the Link column in your sharepoint link original url Create a calculated column which concatenate the url text with an existing column value. This seems to be an easy task, except one thing: SharePoint doest not render hyperlink in calculated column by default. For example, I have a list with 2 columns: Search term and Google Search. Google Search is a calculated column with this formula Now, this is what I will get by default: There are a few ways to fix this problem. Usually people will recommend you to create a Hyperlink column instead and create a workflow to update the Hyperlink value ( ) . Or, you can place a script on the page that loop through the HTML nodes and replace the unfriendly html tags with a hyperlink as described here