
Showing posts from March, 2015

How to Configuring outgoing email settings for SharePoint with office 365 out look

Install SMTP role on one of the Servers in the domain which has access to internet, since we need to connect to this is must. Configuring SMTP service so that it can talk to office365 smtp Open --> IIS 6.0 Manager --> right click on SMTP --> properties 2.1 First we will configure the Access, we don’t have much to configure in this. Check authentication is set to anonymous 2.2 Next click on connection button and you can select which servers can connect to this virtual server, by default it is set to accept all. If you need you can modify as per your orgs security policies 2.3 Next click on relay, here you can select which computer can relay through this SMTP. If you need that any computer / server can relay through this, select all except the list below option 2.4 Next click on Messages tab, here we don’t have to change anything except if you need to change the badmail directory i.e. where SMTP store any email that it fails to de

How to enable chart webpart in SharePoint 2013

By default chart webpart is disable in sharepoint below are the steps allow you to enable chart webpart in sharepoint 2013 Introduction Sometimes, the Chart web part may not appear, even after you enable the Publisher Infrastructure. Or, maybe you want to add the chart web part without having to enable Publisher Infrastructure. This posting shows you how. Procedure Login to any farm server hosting SharePoint as a Site Collection Administrator. Go to: Settings > Site Settings > Go to top level site settings > Web Designer Galleries > Web parts. Click the FILES tab. Click New Document. Scoll down the list and look for: Microsoft.Office.Server.WebControls.ChartWebPart. Check this item. Scroll back up to the top, and then click the Populate Gallery button. Wait for it to refresh. Scoll down the list and look for: ChartWebPart.webpart. Click its Edit button. Select default in the value Click Save. That's it. The next time you open a web page in edit mode and search for

How to create chart in sharepoint with XLS


Navigation link or page In SharePoint under look n feel giving access denied error

Dear All today i got an access denied because when i click on the navigation link under site collection administrator I found the issue because during creating for the specific site collection i made the application with local administrator but after some time i change it to domain administrator and that's why the issue arrived I resolve it to change the authentication mode back to local in IIS Application pool. And navigation menu worked fine Regards Rashid Imran bilgrami

“Master Page” option from site look and feel is missing

Dear All,  If you did not find the master page under the look and feel option Follow the below steps Inside the current site's Site Settings, navigate to Site Collection Administration > Site Collection Features. Activate SharePoint Server Publishing Infastructure if it's available... if it's not, you may be using SharePoint Foundation. Navigate to Site Actions > Manage Site Features, and activate the same feature (which should now be visible. Return to Site Settings. Under Look and Feel, "Master page" should now be available. (This is under the assumption the "Server Publishing Infastructure" feature can be enabled in your version of SharePoint.) Regards  Rashid Imran Bilgrami 

SharePoint Search Is not returning the Result

Dear All, Today during configuring the search i found that search is not working with sharepoint 2013. The crawler is running fine. But when i checked the crawler history i found the following message: When i go in dept i found the problem that the Administrator password has changed.. i run the following sharepoint powershell command to reset the Administrator password in sharepoint stsadm.exe -o updatefarmcredentials  -userlogin DOMAIN\username -password password And after that every thing running well Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami

How to retrieve Users Manager in SharePoint Designer Workflows

SharePoint Designer 2010 facilitates the creation of SharePoint workflows for Power Users using very intuitive user interface and a set of ready-made actions (which can be extended). One of the useful actions available is “Lookup Manager of a user” explains the functionality of this activity as follows “This action is initially displayed in workflow steps as Find Manager of this user (output to Variable: manager). Use this action to look up a user’s manager. The output value is then stored in a variable. Following is an example of what the action might look like in a workflow step: Find Manager of Workflow Context:Initiator (output to Variable: manager)" To use this action Insert it into SharePoint designer from the “Action” menu Click on “this user ” to select the target user who we need to find his/her manager From “Select Users” dialog you can choose a user by name or from a Group or the user who created the current item. After selecting the looked-for user, the acti